
Lightweight JavaScript framework for manipulation dom elements

This project is maintained by ezhlobo


Lightweight JavaScript framework for manipulation dom elements.


Table of content:

Getting started

Save compressed hata framework.

<script src="js/hata.js" type="text/javascript">


Before reading


hata( selector );
hata( selector, context );

DOM is ready

hata.ready(function() {
  // Now DOM is fully loaded

hata().get([ number ])

hataObj.get(); // => Array of nodes
hataObj.get( number ); // => One node by index
hata( "div" ).get( -1 ); // => Return last div node

hata().eq( number )

hataObj.eq( number ); // => Hata object of one element
hata( "div" ).eq( 1 ); // => Hata object of second element

hata().each( function )

hataObj.each(function( element, index ) {
  // this => node element
  // element => node element
  // index => index of node element

This method returns previous Hata object.

hata().filter( selector )

hataObj.filter( selector ); // => Hata object of elements filtering by `selector`
hata( "div" ).filter( ".tag" ); // => Hata object of divs with class 'tag'

hata().is( selector )

hataObj.is( selector ) // => true if hataObj is matched to selector
hata( "div" ).is( ".tag" ); // => True is there are divs with class "tag"

This method returns true or false.

hata().find( selector )

Equivalent to hata( selector, hata() ).

hataObj.find( selector ) // => Find elements inside current collection
hata( "div" ).find( "p" ); // => Return hata( "div p" )


    <div class="tag">tag</div>
hataObj.parent(); // => Return parents
hata( ".tag" ).parent(); // => Return hata( "section" )
hata( "section" ).parent(); // => Return hata( body )

hata().parents( selector )

    <div class="tag">tag</div>
hataObj.parents( selector ); // => Return parents which satisfies the 'selector'
hata( ".tag" ).parents( "body" ); // => Return hata( "body" )
hata( "section" ).parents( ".tag" ); // => Return hata( document )

hata().closest( selector )

hataObj.closest( selector ); // => First parents by `selector` or this elements if it is `selector`
hata( "div" ).closest( ".tag" ); // => Return hata( "div" ) is there is div with class "tag"
hata( "div" ).closest( ".tag" ); // => Works like .parents() if divs without class "tag"


hata.pushUniq( array, element )

hata.pushUniq( arr, element ); // => Add an element to the array if it is unique
hata.pushUniq( [1, 2], 1 ); // => [1, 2]
hata.pushUniq( [1, 2], 3 ); // => [1, 2, 3]

This method returns array.

hata.toArray( object )

hata.toArray( obj ); // => Convert something into an array
hata.toArray(); // => []
hata.toArray( "string" ); // => [ "string" ]
hata.toArray( document.querySelectorAll( "div" ) ); // => Array of divs

This method returns array.

hata.each( object, function )

hata.each( obj, function( element, key ) {
  // this => value


hata.extend( object, object )

If you want to add hata methods:

hata.extend( hata.fn, {
  ping: function() {
    return 'pong';

// or

hata.fn.ping = function() {
  return 'pong';

elements.ping(); // => 'pong'

If you want to extend some objects:

var someObject = {};

hata.extend( someObject, {
  ping: function() {
    return 'pong';

someObject.ping(); // => 'pong'

Applications use hata:


Contribuitions always are welcome. Hata is written according to jQuery Core Style Guide and:

// Good
if ( condition ) return some;
if ( condition ) break;

Feel free to fork and pull request changes.